Local Government and public services
Local government and public services sectors provide essential services to their communities, such as public safety, sanitation, transportation, and more requiring a good supply of refreshments
A very demanding sector which requires refreshments via snack and coffee machines 24 hours 7 days a week for public services. Public services include regional and national Police force and Fire services as well as local council office and administration support - council buildings, libraries, parks and other supporting functions and can include vending and hospitality services
Refreshment services are an important and help to ensure that staff and visitors have access to sustenance and hydration during their visits. The sectors often supply refreshments such as coffee, tea, and snacks to employees, visitors, and others via cafeterias, or through vending machines.
Alba have, over the years, supplied coffee machines to libraries and council buildings. The Police departments have a mix of machinery, from Lavazza Blue and Lavazza Pro Creation and we supply in-cup drinks for special operations events.